Friday, July 25, 2008

Another day in the life of H & J... or J & H... whatever!

So - momma gets back to work today... Holton was running a bit of a fever last night and 'reahh'd' out of his diaper all over everything... I am attributing that to teething - because he had the crap last week that got us all friggin' gooey... I can only pray that the 'CRAP' is leaving our house!!! Jer has been ill - beyond ill - all day... :( I've been 'gooey' all week - today was decent but still not normal!!! ANYWAY - enough of TMI!!! All I can say is I am READY TO BE OVER THIS SHIT!!! You can only take so many 'for the team'!!! Regardless of mommy-ness!!! hahahaha

Anyway - (has anyone caught onto the fact when I'm trying to think of what to say- ANYWAY is what I say????) hahahhaha

(Song deleted for further editing! haha)

So - I'm probably going to edit this A MILLION TIMES - but that's just what I've got right now... I LOVE to write... I LOVE to love... But stains SUCK!

I'll be back later!

It is harder for most than some
To let the love you are given 'IN'

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